Blah Berry Donut Flavour 3D Printed Spray Can.
Blah Berry Donut Flavour 3D Printed Spray Can.
Limited edition of 25 of each!!
Either After the Robot Apocalypse or Trash Panda.
One side has the Trash Panda Magic Spray Cans label and the other has the 182 Comics mILK wITH a cHAINSAW highly Toxic ATRA Label. You can turn the can to feature the label of your choice… and the nozzle screws off, so you can turn that to face the label you prefer.
The bottom of the can unscrews so you can store stuff in it!! Stufff!!!
All cans are empty and 3D printed!
If you don’t know about Magic Spray Cans or Blah Berry Donuts you need to read my Trash Panda comic strip in LoLz Comic Issues 1-2 by the awesome 77 Publishing.